Qt Patient Privacy System
  1740 West Sam Houston Pkwy N., Houston, TX 77043
(281) 497-8181
  (713) 849-3344


Qt Patient Privacy System

Model Number: Qt Patient Privacy System

Qt Patient Privacy System

The Qt® Patient Privacy system is designed for patient and provider speech privacy in healthcare settings such as waiting rooms, exam rooms, and pharmacies.

Protect Patient Privacy in Medical Offices

Introducing the Qt® Patient Privacy System - the first speech privacy system designed for waiting rooms, exam rooms, and pharmacies.


Improve the Patient Experience


What is the Qt Patient Privacy System?

The Qt Patient Privacy System is a cost-effective sound masking solution to protect patient and staff conversations in all types of medical facilities.

How does it work?

Our direct-field sound masking technology adds a low-level background sound inside waiting rooms or patient exam rooms. The safe background sound is optimized to mask human speech, which makes it harder to overhear conversations at a distance.

Why do I need it?

In today's medical offices protecting patient privacy is critical, and is enforced via HIPAA privacy regulations. Acoustics and sound privacy are often overlooked in open-floor plan waiting areas, and in patient rooms - where sound can easily travel over walls and through glass.

Where is it used?

The Qt Patient Privacy System is perfect for:

Medical Office Buildings
Dental Offices
Doctor's Offices
Counseling Centers and
Community Health Centers


How is it installed?

The system can be installed in any ceiling type by a certified Cambridge Sound Management sound masking installer. Installation is straightforward and low-impact, and is usually completed in a few hours.

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