Houston Hurricane and Disaster Helpful Links
  1740 West Sam Houston Pkwy N., Houston, TX 77043
(281) 497-8181
  (713) 849-3344

Houston Hurricane and Disaster Helpful Links

*Site under construction and we are not responsible for any recent updates, errors in links, misinformation, etc. We are trying to help put everything we can on one site. Please email if you have anything you want us to add, change, update or try to include on the page. Our prayers go out to all the families effected by hurricanes and natural disasters and to all the responders that have come together to help*

Watches, Warnings or Advisories for Harris (TXC201) Texas

Ready logo Be informed: 

Disasters and Emergencies: Know what disasters and hazards could affect your area, how to get emergency alerts, and where you would go if you and your family need to evacuate.  Make sure your family has a plan and practices it often.


Hurricane Evacuation Routes

Harris County Flood Warning System

Houston Business Portal - Disaster Assistance Resources (click here)

  • To report flooding and non-emergency help to the City of Houston: Dial 3-1-1 or call 713-837-0311
  • State Emergency Assistance Registry: Dial 2-1-1
  • CenterPoint for downed power lines or gas lines: Call 1-888-876-5786
  • American Red Cross of Greater Houston: Call 713-526-8300
  • HPD non-emergency: Call 713-884-3131
  • All true emergencies: Dial 9-1-1

Helpful Links


Local Emergency Management Authorities


City of Houston                Sign up for AlertHouston – Register Here

Harris County                    Hurricane Preparedness & Evacuation Brochure


Carbon Monoxide - Generator Safety Fact Sheet (click here)

Portable back-up generators produce the poison gas carbon monoxide (CO). CO is an odorless, colorless gas that kills without warning. It claims the lives of hundreds of people every year and makes thousands more ill. Follow these steps to keep your family safe.

Portable Generators and CO Detectors

  • Never use a generator inside your home or garage, even if doors and windows are open.
  • Only use generators outside, more than 20 feet away from your home, doors, and windows.
  • Install battery-operated or battery back-up CO detectors near every sleeping area in your home.
  • Check CO detectors regularly to be sure they are functioning properly


The Cajun Navy Relief & Rescue (Reduced size or Full size website) 

*NOTE: Due to multiple Cajun Navy Response Teams, some may be different resources with a similar or possibly the same name.


FITT Telecommunications can help with transferring your phone lines to an automated attendant, voicemail or a different number.


FITT Telecommunications can help rewire your offices with new voice and data cabling (telephone and computer), provide phone service and phone systems, if needed and you have power.


Please click below on the other products we offer, if you have a moment.

Sound Masking sound masking is a popular acoustic technology that makes an office more comfortable and private by reducing noise distractions.

CommSoft RMS for call recording needs.

Iwatsu discontinued but we can help support this system while you plan your next solution.

Panasonic phone systems, security cameras and ideas for life.

Speco Technologies security cameras for onsite storage or Cloud off-premise solutions.

Structured Cabling for all your data, voice, audio/video and low voltage cabling needs. 

SIP Trunking to help lower your monthly phone bills while providing free long distance



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